User supplied material to help you with using - send us a note if you wish to contribute to this pageNote: This code is supplied by various contributors and comes with no warranties on our part. There is probably much more client code in other programming languages on the web that you can find by doing a google search. If you find something you like and find useful in your favorite programming language, let us know. Autocomplete class in javascript
Begin forwarded message: Date: November 5, 2010 10:19:31 PM GMT+01:00 To: [email protected] Subject: GeoCoder PHP library Hi there, Last October, I wrote a PHP library for the website (actually, I took code from a forum [1] and tidied it up). I haven't implemented a couple of functions since the project I worked on didn't need it at the time. Maybe you might be interested in forking it from GitHub? [2] [1] (didn't load for me just now) [2] -- Richard Eriksson
A Data definition file for xml port output - received today on Jan 18, 2006. Hello, I wanted to drop you a line and thank you for the wonderful service. I used it yesterday to run a test data sample and it worked very smoothly. Also, as a part of my test integration, I created a DTD file and I thought it might be useful for other people too. I am attaching it to this e-mail -- Best regards, Anthony File: GEOCODER_CA_RESPONSE.dtd Hello! I have created a php4 script that retrieves geodata information from your site. Perhaps it would be a good idea to add this to your php examples as right now you only have php5. The only drawback with my script is you need DOMPHP installed (which should be installed on almost all servers, so this shouldn't be a problem - use phpinfo() to check!) Cheers! Patrick Hayes Script is below! |