Geocode USA and Canada

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Services -:- Products -:- Solutions
  1. We provide a variety of GIS data(*) services for both commercial and non-for-profit applications.
  2. We also provide solutions for commercial clients involving requirement studies, system design, and application development using open tools for GIS systems. Contact us to obtain more information.
  3. The standard rate for all our commercial data services is one cent (1c) for four (4) data items.

    Real Time Geocoding | Batch Geocoding | Canadian Postal Codes | Canadian Point of Interest (POI) Data | Data Quality Services

      Geocoding Data Services

    • Real Time Geocoding:

      We strive to provide the most reliable and accurate geocoding services for Canada and the USA. Using our xml port you can integrate geocoding functionalities into your application in real time. We currently provide forward and reverse geocoding of street addresses, postal/zip codes and street intersections in both the USA and Canada. More information on usage can be found on the API pages. [Non-For_Profit Port | Commercial Port (cost $0.01 for 4 lookups)]
      Both XML ports provide the same quality of geocoding; but the Commercial Port has higher priority process scheduling, hence queries execute faster. Users of the commercial port also receive unthrottled use of the service, and priority response on support queries.

      How it is done:
      The base data set is provided by various agencies which gather GIS data (one of our Canadian data sources for example is compiled by GeoBase, whereas data for the USA are mainly based on the TIGER line dataset of the US census bureau). This data is then filtered by our system for inconsistencies. (We find that some of the data we acquire from these sources is incorrect possibly due to human data entry error. We have developed a way for discovering and correcting the majority of such errors. )
      After that raw data has been corrected and imported it is algorithmically processed to geocode locations.

      • Forward Geocoding is done by building a "line" (in most cases) or a "curve" through the data points representing a street then doing an interpolation based on the input street number of the location, or finding the intersection of two streets. You can input a location string in many different ways, as a civic address, intersection, geographical area, etc. Our location parser will take care of identifying all location components and geocode the result against our database of the north america's road network, and geographical features. Our customers use this information to build intelligent location aware applications.
      • Reverse geocoding is done by first finding the closest street segments to the input point out of a two dimensional matrix containing roughly 3 billion elements. Then we compute the closest point on the segment and return this street address along with the area's postal code and other information such as the county name, metro area, nearest intersection, nearest major intersection, the positioning of the nearest street relative to other streets, etc.. Our customers use this information for fleet management, cell phone tracking, Raw data analysis, Emergency 911 services, GPS tracking and route planning.

    • Batch Geocoding:

      Login to your account page to upload your text only csv files for batch processing. You can batch geocode or reverse geocode spreadsheets of addresses or locations using our batch geocoding engine. (For batch reverse geocoding your file must contain location information as latitude/longitude pairs.) Each line on the file is processed by including latitude, longitude, geocoding confidence score and a standartized form of the location (if applicable). Here is an example:

      Input line
      200 main sttorontoon
      This line in the processed file:
      Output line
      Original input lineLatitudeLongitudeConfidence score (from 1 to 0.5. with 1=best match,... 0.5=approximate match)Street NumberStandard street nameCityProvince/StatePostal/Zip Code
      "200 main st"," on"," toronto""43.682339""-79.299514""1""200""Main ST""Toronto""ON""M4E2V8"
      You may visualize your data on a map after it has been geocoded by clicking on Visualize Data

      Alternatively, we process batch geocoding jobs for our clients when customization beyond the capabilities of the automated batch geocoding tool is required. The rates vary with the size of the batch with the maximum rate being 1 cent for every 4 data items (a processing fee applies for small batches.)
      There are discounts for geocoding large files. Contact us to find more information.

    • Canadian crowdsourced postal codes geocoded Dataset: Register to purchase data

      We offer some of our data as a batch download for those wishing to build commercial location based applications. One example of our batch products is our geocoded Canadian postal code database comprised of the postal code file, the postal code and street address file and the postal code area polygons file.

      How it is done:
      Our canadian crowdsourced postal code dataset contains over 850,000 postal codes. (As of the last update on 2025-01-01 00:15:01, 1430 records were added and the exact number is 915482 unique postal codes, all verified and geocoded to street level accuracy)
      Each postal code in fact covers an "area". This area could be as small as a single house or city block; or as large as a whole town.
      Finding the most accurate geographical representation of this postal code, involves finding the point having the smallest relative distance from all locations included in the postal code area - also called the geodesic point. (normally this area is approximated to a convex hull, but it could also be a non-convex shape). We have built a system that computes this central location with a large degree of accuracy

      The Canadian postal codes dataset we offer can be adjusted according to customer's needs to include additional information about the city, streets and other geographical features related to any of the postal codes in addition to the relevant latitude/longitude information. Contact us for information about obtaining a customized Canadian postal code database. We also offer regular monthly updates of this database.
      Data Samples:
      1. Summary File - Canada Postal Code Dataset (915482 records as of 2025-01-01 00:15:01) Sample:

      "PostCode","Latitude","Longitude","City","Province","CityAlt","Neighborhood","Time Zone","Name","Area Code"
      2. Complete File - Canada Postal Address Database (12555305 records as of 2025-01-18 22:02:04) Sample:
      "PostCode","Number","Street","City","Province","Latitude","Longitude","Street Name","Type","Direction","Confidence","aType","Unit","Count"
      "K2C1N2","1295","PRINCE OF WALES DR","OTTAWA","ON","45.371634","-75.706800","PRINCE OF WALES","DR","","1","NonRes","","1"
      "K2C1N2","1301","PRINCE OF WALES DR","Ottawa","ON","45.371697","-75.706074","PRINCE OF WALES","DR","","1","NonRes","","1"
      "K2C1N2","1315","PRINCE OF WALES DR","Ottawa","ON","45.371510","-75.705080","PRINCE OF WALES","DR","","1","NonRes","","1"
      "K2C1N5","1435","PRINCE OF WALES DR","Ottawa","ON","45.369154","-75.700748","PRINCE OF WALES","DR","","1","Res","916","177"
      "K2C1N5","1435","PRINCE OF WALES DR","Ottawa","ON","45.370316","-75.701609","PRINCE OF WALES","DR","","1","Res","918","177"
      "K2C1N5","1435","PRINCE OF WALES DR","Ottawa","ON","45.370316","-75.701609","PRINCE OF WALES","DR","","1","Res","917","177"
      "K2C1N5","1435","PRINCE OF WALES DR","Ottawa","ON","45.370316","-75.701609","PRINCE OF WALES","DR","","1","Res","914","177"
      "K2C1N5","1435","PRINCE OF WALES DR","Ottawa","ON","45.370316","-75.701609","PRINCE OF WALES","DR","","1","Res","909","177"
      "K2C1N5","1435","PRINCE OF WALES DR","Ottawa","ON","45.370316","-75.701609","PRINCE OF WALES","DR","","1","Res","908","177"
      "K2C1N5","1435","PRINCE OF WALES DR","Ottawa","ON","45.370316","-75.701609","PRINCE OF WALES","DR","","1","Res","907","177"
      "K2C1N5","1435","PRINCE OF WALES DR","Ottawa","ON","45.370316","-75.701609","PRINCE OF WALES","DR","","1","Res","906","177"
      "K2C1N5","1435","PRINCE OF WALES DR","Ottawa","ON","45.370316","-75.701609","PRINCE OF WALES","DR","","1","Res","905","177"
      "Confidence" is the geocoding confidence score. A score of "1" means "rooftop" geocoding result, everything else is interpolated.
      "aType" is the address type. It takes one of two values: "Res" -> Residential Address, or "NonRes" -> Non Residential.
      "Unit" is the unit/apartment/suite/etc number (if applicable.)
      "Count" is the number of units/apartments/suites/etc in the address.

      3. Canada Postal Code Polygons Sample - Click for V3S FSA Sample in Shapefile format Click here for an example polygon.

      Point id,PostCode,Latitude,Longitude
      4. Postal Code and Census Information File Sample
      "PostCode","Latitude","Longitude","City","Province","CityAlt","Neighborhood","Time Zone","Name","Area Code","Census_Subdivision_cmauid","Census_Subdivision_pruid","Census_Subdivision_ername","Census_Subdivision_csdtype","Census_Subdivision_cmatype","Census_Subdivision_cdname","Census_Subdivision_csduid","Census_Subdivision_cdtype","Census_Subdivision_sactype","Census_Subdivision_saccode","Census_Subdivision_prname","Census_Subdivision_cmapuid","Census_Subdivision_csdname","Census_Subdivision_cduid","Census_Subdivision_ccsname","Census_Subdivision_eruid","Census_Subdivision_ccsuid","Census_Subdivision_cmaname","Aggregate_Dissemination_pruid","Aggregate_Dissemination_cdname","Aggregate_Dissemination_cdtype","Aggregate_Dissemination_cduid","Aggregate_Dissemination_adauid","Aggregate_Dissemination_prname","Population_Ecumene_ecumene","Population_Ecumene_ecuid","Census_Consolidated_Subdivision_pruid","Census_Consolidated_Subdivision_cdname","Census_Consolidated_Subdivision_cdtype","Census_Consolidated_Subdivision_ccsname","Census_Consolidated_Subdivision_cduid","Census_Consolidated_Subdivision_ccsuid","Census_Consolidated_Subdivision_prname","Dissemination_Block_cmauid","Dissemination_Block_pruid","Dissemination_Block_ctuid","Dissemination_Block_ername","Dissemination_Block_csdtype","Dissemination_Block_ctname","Dissemination_Block_cmatype","Dissemination_Block_csduid","Dissemination_Block_cdname","Dissemination_Block_dbuid","Dissemination_Block_cdtype","Dissemination_Block_sactype","Dissemination_Block_adauid","Dissemination_Block_saccode","Dissemination_Block_dauid","Dissemination_Block_prname","Dissemination_Block_cmapuid","Dissemination_Block_dbrplamx","Dissemination_Block_feduid","Dissemination_Block_dbrplamy","Dissemination_Block_csdname","Dissemination_Block_fedname","Dissemination_Block_cduid","Dissemination_Block_ccsname","Dissemination_Block_eruid","Dissemination_Block_ccsuid","Dissemination_Block_cmaname","Census_Metropolitan_Areas_And_Census_Agglomeration_pruid","Census_Metropolitan_Areas_And_Census_Agglomeration_cmauid","Census_Metropolitan_Areas_And_Census_Agglomeration_cmatype","Census_Metropolitan_Areas_And_Census_Agglomeration_prname","Census_Metropolitan_Areas_And_Census_Agglomeration_cmaname","Census_Metropolitan_Areas_And_Census_Agglomeration_cmapuid","Designated_Place_pruid","Designated_Place_dpluid","Designated_Place_dplname","Designated_Place_prname","Designated_Place_dpltype","Census_Division_pruid","Census_Division_cdname","Census_Division_cdtype","Census_Division_cduid","Census_Division_prname","Federal_Election_frname","Federal_Election_revdt","Federal_Election_creadt","Federal_Election_enname","Federal_Election_nid","Federal_Election_provcode","Federal_Election_quipopcnt","Federal_Election_fednum","Federal_Election_decpopcnt","Federal_Election_reporder","Census_Tract_cmauid","Census_Tract_pruid","Census_Tract_ctuid","Census_Tract_cmatype","Census_Tract_ctname","Census_Tract_prname","Census_Tract_cmaname","Census_Tract_cmapuid","Economic_Region_pruid","Economic_Region_ername","Economic_Region_eruid","Economic_Region_prname","Dissemination_Area_cmauid","Dissemination_Area_pruid","Dissemination_Area_ctuid","Dissemination_Area_ername","Dissemination_Area_csdtype","Dissemination_Area_ctname","Dissemination_Area_cmatype","Dissemination_Area_csduid","Dissemination_Area_cdname","Dissemination_Area_cdtype","Dissemination_Area_sactype","Dissemination_Area_adauid","Dissemination_Area_saccode","Dissemination_Area_dauid","Dissemination_Area_prname","Dissemination_Area_cmapuid","Dissemination_Area_csdname","Dissemination_Area_cduid","Dissemination_Area_ccsname","Dissemination_Area_eruid","Dissemination_Area_ccsuid","Dissemination_Area_cmaname","Population_Centre_cmauid","Population_Centre_pruid","Population_Centre_pcclass","Population_Centre_pcuid","Population_Centre_cmatype","Population_Centre_pcname","Population_Centre_pctype","Population_Centre_pcpuid","Population_Centre_prname","Population_Centre_cmaname","Population_Centre_cmapuid","Census_Agricultural_pruid","Census_Agricultural_caruid","Census_Agricultural_carename","Census_Agricultural_carfname","Census_Agricultural_prname","ISED","ISEDname","Provincial_Riding_of"
      "K2C1N5","45.370316","-75.701609","Ottawa","ON","Ottawa","Carleton Heights - Rideauview","UTC-05:00","","","505","35","Ottawa","CV","B","Ottawa","3506008","CDR","1","505","Ontario","35505","Ottawa","3506","Ottawa","3510","3506008","Ottawa - Gatineau (Ontario part / partie de l'Ontario)","35","Ottawa","CDR","3506","35060141","Ontario","na","na","35","Ottawa","CDR","Ottawa","3506","3506008","Ontario","505","35","5050020.01","Ottawa","CV","0020.01","B","3506008","Ottawa","35061252001","CDR","1","35060141","505","35061252","Ontario","35505","7472168.67124501","35075","1185140.16825001","Ottawa","Ottawa Centre / Ottawa-Centre","3506","Ottawa","3510","3506008","Ottawa - Gatineau (Ontario part / partie de l'Ontario)","35","505","B","Ontario","Ottawa - Gatineau (Ontario part / partie de l'Ontario)","35505","na","na","na","na","na","35","Ottawa","CDR","3506","Ontario","Ottawa-Centre","na","20131005","Ottawa Centre","{685CEE05-174D-4EE4-837E-A70ECC5A86BB}","ON","na","35075","113619","2013","505","35","5050020.01","B","0020.01","Ontario","Ottawa - Gatineau (Ontario part / partie de l'Ontario)","35505","35","Ottawa","3510","Ontario","505","35","5050020.01","Ottawa","CV","0020.01","B","3506008","Ottawa","CDR","1","35060141","505","35061252","Ontario","35505","Ottawa","3506","Ottawa","3510","3506008","Ottawa - Gatineau (Ontario part / partie de l'Ontario)","505","35","4","0616","B","Ottawa - Gatineau","1","350616","Ontario","Ottawa - Gatineau (Ontario part / partie de l'Ontario)","35505","35","3504","Eastern Ontario Region","Région de l'Est de l'Ontario","Ontario","ON45360757","Ottawa","Ottawa Centre"

      Optional Downloads: Neighborhood Polygons, City Polygons for both USA and Canada (derived from the postal code dataset)

      $808CAD one time fee + $100 per month for updates (optional - the dataset is updated on the 1st day of each month)

      | Register to purchase the Canadian Postal Code Dataset (Immediate Download upon purchase.) Unrestricted Use License

      The Unrestricted Use License implies there are no restrictions on the use of our data, if you abide by our general terms of service.

      Other services we offer, include batch geocoding, geoparsing, location data cleanup and standardization and geospatial data analysis. Contact us for more information.

    • Address Cleanup and Standardization (USA and Canada Addresses):

      We cleanup and standardize address data, in the form of incomplete or nonstandard street addresses, street intersections, zip codes / postal codes. We also extract and standardize address and location information contained in bodies of text. Login to upload your data to our batch geocoding and address standardization interface.

      1. Input File - Non Standard Addresses:

      "200 - 666 Burrard St., Park Place","Vancouver","BC","V6C 2X8"
      "Suite 458, 550 Burrard St.","Vancouver","BC","V6C 2B5"
      "1441 A Old Island Hwy.","Campbell River","BC","V9W 2E4"
      "30 Gostick Place","North Vancouver","BC","V7M 3G3"
      "Unit 214 - 2459 Cousins Ave.","Courtenay","BC","V9N 3N6"
      "Unit 1 - 2650 Progessive Way","Abbotsford","BC","V2T 6H9"
      "Suite 259 - 1011 9th Ave SE","Calgary","AB","T2G 0H7"
      "15th Floor - 1040 W. Georgia St.","Vancouver","BC","V6E 4H1"
      "158 West Stewart Street","Vanderhoof","BC","V0J 3A0"
      "Suite 680 - 1066 West Hastings St.","Vancouver","BC","V6E 3X1"
      "Unit 3 ᅢ까タᅡモ 30528 Great Northern Ave.","Abbotsford","BC","V2T 6H4"
      "1261 Bev McLachlin Drive, Unit 6","Pincher Creek","AB","T0K 1W0"
      "200 - 4723  1 Street SW","Calgary","AB","T2G 4Y8"
      "Suite 440, 233 West 1st St.","North Vancouver","BC","V7M 1B3"
      "600-1055 Dunsmuir Street","Vancouver","BC","V7X 1V5"
      "600 ᅢ까タᅡモ 2695 Granville Street","Vancouver","BC","V6H 3H4"
      "36 Lajeunesse Street","Kingsey Falls","QC","J0A 1B0"
      "606-1155 Robson Street","Vancouver","BC","V6E 1B5"
      "Suite 1000, 205 9th Avenue SE","Calgary","AB","T2G 0R3"
      "P.O. Box 2003","Sparwood","BC","V0B 2G0"
      "PO Box 879, 225 Sus Ave","Burns Lake","BC","V0J 1E0"
      "7030 Trans-Canada Highway","Duncan","BC","V9L 6A2"
      "P.O. Box 437 STN A","Campbell River","BC","V9W 5B6"
      "49 Atli Street P.O. Box 210","Alert Bay","BC","V0N 1A0"
      "Suite 600-888 Dunsmuir Street","Vancouver","BC","V6C 3K4"
      "1641 Hwy 99","Pemberton","BC","V0N 2L0"
      "3650-16th Ave","Smithers","BC","V0J 2N0"
      "#206 5102 50th Ave","Yellowknife","NT","X1A 3S8"
      "Unit 301 - 4400 Marine Ave.","Powell River","BC","V8A 2K1"
      "608 Bruce Ave.","Nanaimo","BC","V9R 3Y7"
      "600 - 2695 Granville St.","Vancouver","BC","V6H 3H4"
      "1441-16th Avenue","Campbell River","BC","V9W 2E4"
      "Suite 200 - 850 Harbourside Drive","North Vancouver","BC","V7P 0A3"
      "2nd Floor, 1022 Government St.","Victoria","BC","V8W 1X7"
      "1800 - 510 West Georgia Street","Vancouver","BC","V6B 0M3"
      "6333 Unsworth Rd #212,","Chilliwack","BC","V2R 5M3"
      "6911 Southpoint Dr. 11th Floor","Burnaby","BC","V3N 4X8"
      "102-38085 Second Avenue","Squamish","BC ᅢツᅡᅠ","V8B 0B6"
      "Box 211 ","Port Alberni","BC","V9Y 7M7"

      1. Output File - Standard Geocoded Addresses:
      "V6C 2X8","BC","Vancouver","200 - 666 Burrard St., Park Place",49.285067,-123.119358,1,"200 - 666","Burrard ST","Vancouver","BC","V6C2X8",0.9,200
      "V6C 2B5","BC","Vancouver","Suite 458, 550 Burrard St.",49.285718,-123.118287,1,"458 - 550","Burrard St","Vancouver","BC","V6C2B5",1,"Suite 458"
      "V9W 2E4","BC","Campbell River","1441 A Old Island Hwy.",49.982494,-125.224538,1,1441,"Island HWY S","Campbell River","BC","V9W8C9",0.8,
      "V7M 3G3","BC","North Vancouver","30 Gostick Place",49.315078,-123.092308,1,30,"Gostick PL","North Vancouver","BC","V7M3G3",1,
      "V9N 3N6","BC","Courtenay","Unit 214 - 2459 Cousins Ave.",49.669444,-124.997141,1,"214 - 2459","Cousins AVE","Courtenay","BC","V9N3N6",1,"Unit 214"
      "V2T 6H9","BC","Abbotsford","Unit 1 - 2650 Progessive Way",49.050652,-122.375168,1,"1 - 2650","PROGRESSIVE WAY","Abbotsford","BC",,0.5,"Unit 1"
      "T2G 0H7","AB","Calgary","Suite 259 - 1011 9th Ave SE",51.042549,-114.038709,1,"259 - 1011","9 AVE SE","Calgary","AB","T2G0H7",1,"Suite 259"
      "V6E 4H1","BC","Vancouver","15th Floor - 1040 W. Georgia St.",49.285045,-123.121884,1,1040,"Georgia ST W - 15th Floor","Vancouver","BC","V6E4H1",0.9,"15th Floor"
      "V0J 3A0","BC","Vanderhoof","158 West Stewart Street",54.015639,-124.009269,1,158,"Stewart ST W","Vanderhoof","BC","V0J3L0",0.8,
      "V6E 3X1","BC","Vancouver","Suite 680 - 1066 West Hastings St.",49.287363,-123.118872,1,"680 - 1066","Hastings St W","Vancouver","BC","V6E3X1",1,"Suite 680"
      "V2T 6H4","BC","Abbotsford","Unit 3 ¬タモ 30528 Great Northern Ave.",49.050338,-122.377759,1,"3 - 30528","Great Northern AVE","Abbotsford","BC","V2T6H4",1,"Unit 3 ¬タ"
      "T0K 1W0","AB","Pincher Creek","1261 Bev McLachlin Drive, Unit 6",49.492331,-113.946125,1,"6 - 1261","Bev Mclachlin DR","Pincher Creek","AB","T0K1W0",0.9,"Unit 6"
      "T2G 4Y8","AB","Calgary","200 - 4723  1 Street SW",51.010125,-114.065827,1,"200 - 4723","1 St Sw","Calgary","AB","T2G4Y8",1,200
      "V7M 1B3","BC","North Vancouver","Suite 440, 233 West 1st St.",49.314205,-123.08318,1,"440 - 233","1st ST W","North Vancouver","BC","V7M1B4",0.8,"Suite 440"
      "V7X 1V5","BC","Vancouver","600-1055 Dunsmuir Street",49.286551,-123.120916,1,"600 - 1055","Dunsmuir St","Vancouver","BC","V7X1L4",1,600
      "V6H 3H4","BC","Vancouver","600 ¬タモ 2695 Granville Street",49.261832,-123.139049,1,"600 - 2695","Granville ST","Vancouver","BC","V6H3H4",1,"600 ¬タ"
      "J0A 1B0","QC","Kingsey Falls","36 Lajeunesse Street",45.861088,-72.063852,1,36,"rue Lajeunesse","Kingsey Falls","QC","J0A1B0",0.9,
      "V6E 1B5","BC","Vancouver","606-1155 Robson Street",49.285671,-123.12587,1,"606 - 1155","Robson ST","Vancouver","BC","V6E1B5",1,606
      "T2G 0R3","AB","Calgary","Suite 1000, 205 9th Avenue SE",51.044555,-114.060644,1,"1000 - 205","9 AVE SE","Calgary","AB","T2G0R3",0.9,"Suite 1000"
      "V0B 2G0","BC","Sparwood","P.O. Box 2003",49.720554,-114.894961,1,551,"BUCKTHORN RD - P.O. Box 2003","Sparwood","BC",,0.3,"P.O. Box 2003"
      "V0J 1E0","BC","Burns Lake","PO Box 879, 225 Sus Ave",54.238734,-125.758134,1,225,"Sus AVE - PO Box 879","Burns Lake","BC","V0J1E0",0.8,"PO Box 879"
      "V9W 5B6","BC","Campbell River","P.O. Box 437 STN A",50.042354,-125.173542,1,,"Fox RD - P.O. Box 437 STN A","Campbell River","BC",,0.4,"P.O. Box 437 STN A"
      "V0N 1A0","BC","Alert Bay","49 Atli Street P.O. Box 210",50.593403,-126.926717,1,49,"Atli RD - P.O. Box 210","Alert Bay","BC","V0N1A0",0.9,"P.O. Box 210"
      "V6C 3K4","BC","Vancouver","Suite 600-888 Dunsmuir Street",49.284543,-123.118347,1,"600 - 888","Dunsmuir St","Vancouver","BC","V6C2G2",1,"Suite 600"
      "V0N 2L0","BC","Pemberton","1641 Hwy 99",50.308804,-122.66435,1,1641,"99 HWY","Pemberton","BC","V0N2K0",0.8,
      "V0J 2N0","BC","Smithers","3650-16th Ave",54.779209,-127.150961,1,3650,"16th AVE","Smithers","BC","V0J3K0",1,
      "X1A 3S8","NT","Yellowknife","#206 5102 50th Ave",62.453478,-114.37299,1,"206 - 5102","50 AVE","Yellowknife","NT","X1A3S8",0.9,206
      "V8A 2K1","BC","Powell River","Unit 301 - 4400 Marine Ave.",49.836119,-124.527501,1,"301 - 4400","Marine AVE","Powell River","BC","V8A2K1",0.9,"Unit 301"
      "V9R 3Y7","BC","Nanaimo","608 Bruce Ave.",49.155137,-123.949561,1,608,"Bruce AVE","Nanaimo","BC","V9R3Y7",0.9,
      "V6H 3H4","BC","Vancouver","600 - 2695 Granville St.",49.261832,-123.139049,1,"600 - 2695","Granville ST","Vancouver","BC","V6H3H4",1,600
      "V9W 2E4","BC","Campbell River","1441-16th Avenue",50.030244,-125.253519,1,1441,"16th AVE","Campbell River","BC","V9W2E4",1,
      "V7P 0A3","BC","North Vancouver","Suite 200 - 850 Harbourside Drive",49.314569,-123.096896,1,"200 - 850","Harbourside DR","North Vancouver","BC","V7P3T7",0.9,"Suite 200"
      "V8W 1X7","BC","Victoria","2nd Floor, 1022 Government St.",48.42491,-123.367844,1,1022,"Government ST - 2nd Floor","Victoria","BC","V8W1X7",0.9,"2nd Floor"
      "V6B 0M3","BC","Vancouver","1800 - 510 West Georgia Street",49.281258,-123.116936,1,"1800 - 510","Georgia St W","Vancouver","BC","V6B0M3",1,1800
      "V2R 5M3","BC","Chilliwack","6333 Unsworth Rd #212,",49.117122,-121.994445,1,"212 - 6333","Unsworth RD","Chilliwack","BC","V2R5M3",1,212
      "V3N 4X8","BC","Burnaby","6911 Southpoint Dr. 11th Floor",49.21107,-122.95716,1,6911,"Southpoint DR - 11th Floor","Burnaby","BC","V3N4X8",1,"11th Floor"
      "V8B 0B6","BC ᅡᅠ","Squamish","102-38085 Second Avenue",49.700324,-123.153989,1,"102 - 38085","Second AVE","Squamish","BC","V8B0A4",1,102
      "V9Y 7M7","BC","Port Alberni","Box 211 ",49.249049,-124.783775,1,211,"Port Alberni HWY","Alberni","BC","V9Y8R5",0.8,

    • Customized Geocoding Server:

      Get your own geocoder server on the cloud.

    Cost: The price for all our commercial data services is one cent (1c) for two (2) data items (both real-time and batch).
      Custom Solutions
    • We plan and build location based web services at affordable consultancy rates. Some projects we undertake from the basic hardware requirements to the software implementation. Others simply involve proposing ways to improve existing applications. If you have such a project to complete, chances are we have the best solution.
    • We also offer customized geocoded address lists for USA and Canada. Contact us
(*)Clarification on data sources:
Since there have been enquiries on this topic we would like to clarify the following:
Our postal codes geocoded dataset is _NOT_ derived from statistics canada postal code conversion files. We derive this information from the association of postal codes to street addresses and geographical area locations, hence our product is much more accurate than those others which are based on the PCCF. (The census files are notorious for duplicates and inaccuracies)
Canadian postal code assignments to road segments are handled by Canada Post. The Road Network Files (RNF) are distribuited by several Canadian government agencies. The geographical names database is compiled by Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN). Some of the same information is collected by other agencies as well as the private sector. Some of the data comes from the GEOnet Names Server (GNS), the us census bureau and several private sector providers such as geocomm. Recently we have begun incorporating data from Open Data Pilot Project (as of January 2012).